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I said that I would get around to updating about the week that I've been away, buuut I probably wont. Im just too lazy and I cant make myself think about it enough and sit down and write for that long o_o I am dead tired.

So, overall today was okay. To tell the truth it really doesn't feel like a birthday - Presents-wise its been awesome, I have my laptop Edgeworth and of course Im getting to go to school and stuff, but the day really hasn't felt...birthday-like. I havent heard from any of my friends which kind of makes me sad, but my roommate and I hung out and that was pretty cool, she's really sweet. My family left early this morning too so that may have something to do with it. Not having anything to do for my birthday is weird.

Anyway, all in all Im pretty content I guess. My artblock is gone, thank goodness, so I dont feel as artistically repressed XD; I got a few awesome comic books yesterday at the bookstore, including volume 1 of Heroes, volume 2 of the Hush Batman series ((FINALLY)) and The Umbrella Academy by Gerard Way, which I havent gotten to read yet but seems awesome. I've heard alot of good things about it. It kind of makes me want to start my own comic again- everytime I've tried its fell through, but more on a personal level than anything. I know that artistically Im not really up to par when it comes to my art and trying to do a comic, but I cant improve unless I try, right? Plus, my sense of humor is...slim at best. Yeah.

Anyhoo, I dont have much of anything else to update with. Everythings fine on my end, just another regular old day XF

Im finally in Atlanta! With a laptop (appropriately named Edgeworth), yaaay. I've been here for a week, and I can honestly say that I love it now that I've allowed it all to sink in. Alot of stuff has happened since I got here, and I doubt that I could even attempt to cover it all right now so I wont. Just know that Im here and I love it <3

Yeah, short post, Im still getting everything together. Anyhoo, you all have a good one!

So Im leaving on Friday.


Really, it hasn't sunk in yet. I honestly dont know when it will, or if it ever will, but it all feels very surreal right now. Like I was telling Jordy earlier, if It wasn't for her and Bridgette I never would have gotten into art in the first place, and now Im going to art school. Huh.

Like, before I was all excited and crap. And now Im just kind of...meh. Im still excited, but now my all-encompassing excitement is tainted with apprehension and fear. Go figure.

AND this art block wont go away o_o its very, very unfortunate and ill-timed, as most art blocks are I suppose. Its not as if I dont have a bunch of things I want to draw, it just doesn't translate to paper. I guess Im a bit intimidated by going to school and its leaking into my subconsicous. Anyway, enough of my wangst.

It seems like these couple of past weeks have been filled with me saying goodbye to people. Every time someone's all "Ill miss you JaLisa!" I come back with a "Ill be back in September!". I dont think its so much of me trying to reassure people as it is me reassuring myself, for what reason I have no idea. I really, really dont know why I'd be reassuring myself about that, all things considered. Last week (I think? Yeah) I went to eat at Chilis with Lauren, Sierra and Mary Anne which was fun, and then we went back to Mary Anne's to make smores which just turned into a really weird but fun event, seeing as we had to relocate because of the wasps and then the fire wasnt hot enough and the smores werent very smore-like, but delicious all the same.

On Friday I went with Andre and Charda to see Wanted, which was a good movie despite the bad reviews. Story wise it was a little lame, but I think its overall goal was over the top action and crazy bullet time and Morgan Freeman going all Samuel L Jackson on people and the amazing CG-ness and the Angelina Jolie and the every-sexy Common, and it did that very well. I was pleased.

On Saturday and Sunday we had our Family Reunion, which was....a family reunion. On Monday Mary Anne Nathan and I went to see Wall e, which was just amazing, and today I went to eat at the Cafe at the Mall with Mrs. Annette and Mary Anne, and had the best quiche in the world. I've done more socially these past two weeks than I've done in the past two years of my life, five years even. I could say alot about that, but I wont. It would lead this post down another tangent of wangsty-ness and thats just not cool, so no.

I cant stop picking at my face. Its a nervous habit, and I know it makes me look all spotted and scarred and like a crackhead but I cant help it o_o its like how i used to chew and the sides of my fingers till they bled, and how I scratch at my hair. I wish my nervous habit was something more mundane and not noticable like blinking regularly (which I dont do) or wiggling. Or thumb-twiddling.

Welp, my room is mostly clean now. I've got that one spot under my bed that I need to finish cleaning out but thats pretty much it. Im deathly afraid that Im going to forget something, like my tablet driver CD or my flash drive or my contacts or something. Supposedly we are leaving at 9 o clock on Friday morning, which probably means 8 or 8 thirty. Anyway, I may update tomorrow. Thats about it.

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